Event Details

We will be together for 90 minutes. We will quickly recap session one and then dig into exercising leadership. By the end of session #2, we will all be working off the same music sheet.

Our August 29th session will see us leave the Balcony and get down on the Dance Floor. It is on the dance floor where we exercise leadership. To prepare for dancing on August 29th, give yourself some time and consider these questions:

  • What is the purpose of your work?
  • How valuable do you plan for this AL effort to be?
  • What is the biggest challenge you or your clients face?
  • Why does it matter to you to engage this challenge?
  • What is the narrative you keep telling yourself and others about this challenge?
  • What is at stake if you do not address this challenge?
  • What are the gifts you hold that have not been brought fully into the world?

To maximise your time investment in the tCL CoP, give yourself the gift of answering these questions before joining the August 29th gathering.


24-08-16 Adaptive work RH.pdfdownload
17-07-28 stakeholder_blue.jpg.pdfdownload


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